koji_directive - download builds and tags from Koji

New in version 0.4.

The koji directive interfaces with Koji to facilitate various Koji actions. You can either download all RPMs from a specific build, or you can download all RPMs from all builds belonging to a specific Koji tag.


parameter required description type default choices
arch yes a list of architectures for which to download RPMs for the requested build/tag. In addition to architectures supported by Taskotron by default, `src` is supported as well.
Note: `noarch` RPMs are always automatically downloaded even when not requested, unless `src` is the only architecture requested.
list of str
  • standard Taskotron architectures
  • src
command yes choose whether to download a single build or all builds belonging to a Koji tag str
  • tag
  • build
koji_build yes N(E)VR of a Koji build to download. Only required when `command="download"`. Example: `xchat-2.8.8-21.fc20` str
    koji_tag yes name of a Koji tag to download all builds from. Only required when `command="download_tag"`. Example: `f20-updates-pending` str
      target_dir no directory into which to download builds str ${workdir}

        Return Values

        A dictionary containing following items:

        • downloaded_rpms: (list of str) a list of local filenames of the downloaded RPMs



        Rpmlint needs to download a specific build from Koji:

        - name: download rpms from koji
            action: download
            koji_build: ${koji_build}
            arch: ${arch}

        Depcheck needs to download all builds in a specific Koji tag:

        - name: download koji tag
              action: download_tag
              koji_tag: ${koji_tag}
              arch: ${arch}
              target_dir: ${workdir}/downloaded_tag/